8 Basic Japanese Phrases for Daily Conversation

Japan is a high-tech country that is able to survive with its own innovations. Although some Japanese can use English, it’s so understandable that some of them don’t, since English is not their first language, especially in daily life. Here are some basic Japanese phrases for daily conversation that you need to know!

#1 Answering Question

Hai. ( はい。)= Yes.

Iie. (いいえ 。) = No.

Mada mada. (まだまだ。) = Not yet

Kamoshiremasen. (かもしれません。) =  Maybe/I’m not sure


#2 Responding for Consent

O-negai shimasu. ( おねがいします。) = Please.

Sumimasen. (すみません。) = Excuse me.

Gomennasai. (ごめんなさい。) = I am sorry.

Daijoubu desu. (大丈夫です。) = That’s okay

Ii desu. (いいです。) = That’s good

Arigatō. (ありがとう。) = Thank you.

Dōitashimashite. (どういたしまして。) = You're welcome.


#3 Greetings by Time

Ohayō gozaimasu. ( おはようございます。) = Good morning.

Konnichiwa. ( こんにちは。) = Good afternoon/Hello.

Konbanwa. (こんばんは。) = Good evening.

O-yasumi nasai. (おやすみなさい。) = Good night.


#4 Common Self Introduction

Watashi no namae wa ___ desu. ( わたしのなまえは ___です。) = My name is ___.

O-namae wa nan desu ka. ( おなまえはなんですか。) = What is your name?

Watashi wa ___ kara kimashita. (私は___から来ました。) = I’m from ___.

Watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi shika hanasemasen. (わたしは にほんごがすこししか はなせません。) = I only speak a little Japanese.

Nihongo wa hanasemasen. (日本語は話せません。) = I can‘t speak Japanese.

Eigo o hanasemasu ka. (えいごをはなせますか。) = Do you speak English?


#5 Starting the Conversation

O-genki desu ka. (おげんきですか。) = How are you?

___–san mo. (___-さんも。) = And you?

Genki desu. ( げんきです。) = I'm fine. Thank you.

Moshi moshi. (もしもし。) – Hello (only on the phone or video call)

O-tazune shite mo ii desu ka? (おたずねしてもいいですか。) = May I ask you a question?


#6 Asking for Direction

___ wa doko desu ka. (___ はどこにありますか。) = Where is ___?

Koko wa doko desu ka. (ここはどこですか。) = Where is this?/Where am I?

Chizu o kaite moraemasu ka. (地図を書いてもらえますか。) = Can you please draw a map for me?


#7  Getting Clarification

Eigo te iu no wa___. (英語ていうのは。) = And in English, that’s___?

Wakarimasen. (わかりません。) = I don’t understand

Shirimasen. (知りません。) = I don’t know

Wasuremashita. (忘れました。) = I forgot

Motto yukkuri kudasai. (もっとゆっくり下さい。) = Please go a little slower

Mou ichido itte kudasai (もう一度言って下さい) = Could you say that one more time?


#8  Common Question Expressions

Doko desu ka. (どこですか。) = Where is it?

Itsu desu ka. (いつですか。) = When is it?

Doushite. (どうして。) = Why?

Dochira desu ka. (どちらですか。) = Which one is it?

Nan desu ka. (何ですか。) = What is it?

Dare desu ka. (だれですか。) = Who is it?

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