11 Common Shopping Phrases in Japan | Learn Japanese!

Shopping is a fun activity for a lot of people. If you shop in Japan, you will realize that there are many distinct and unique things to buy. It makes you feel like wanting to have it all. Here we list down 10 common important phrases  for shopping in Japan!


#1 Miteiru dake desu.


meaning “I’m just looking.” | When you’re planning to just do window shopping.


#2 Kore wa nan desu ka.


meaning “What is this?” | When you’re asking about a product near you, or that you point.


#3 Kore wa ikura desu ka. or Ikura desu ka.

これはいくらですか。or いくらですか。

meaning “How much is this?” or “How much?” | When you ask for a product’s or total price?”


#4 Mite mo ii desu ka.


meaning “Can I look at it?” | When you point at a product out of your reach.


#5 _______wa doko ni arimasu ka.


Meaning “Where is _____?” | When you ask about the product placement in the store.


#6 _____(ga) arimasu ka.

_____(が) ありますか。

Meaning “Do you have________?” | When you ask about the product availability in the store.


#7  ______o misete kudasai.

______ を見せてください。

Meaning “Please show me_______?” | When you ask the staff to guide you to something you want.


#8  Kore ni shimasu.


Meaning “I’ll take it” | When you have come to your final decision to buy a product or service.


#9  Kore wa zeikomi desu ka.


Meaning “Does this include tax?” | To ensure the price you pay will already include tax.


#10  Shichaku shitemo ii desu ka.

試着 しても いいですか。

Meaning “Can I try this on?” | When you want to try your products before deciding to purchase.


#11  Kadode onegai shimasu.

カードで お願い します。

Meaning “I want to pay with a card, please!” | When you want to pay your transaction with a card.


Have you been familiar with the phrases? Are they hard to memorize? How are the phrases in your language? Tell us in the comment section

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