What is Kotatsu? 5 Fun Facts about Japanese Heated Table

Kotatsu (Japanese: 炬燵 or こたつ) is a Japanese heated table that we often see in the anime, such as: Crayon Shinchan, Doraemon, and a lot of others. This kotatsu is usually placed in the family room, and people usually hide the lower part of their bodies underneath it. What is a kotatsu actually? How does it work? Here are some fun facts about kotatsu!

#1 Kotatsu was invented in Muromachi period (1336-1573 AD)

People in Japan placed a platform on the "irori" fireplace and then covered it with clothing to keep the heat. During the Edo Period (1603-1868), new forms of kotatsu emerged including the "oki-gotatsu," which used a Japanese brazier called "hibachi" instead of relying on the fireplace for heat.

#2 Common characteristics of kotatsu

Here are some common features of a kotatsu table:

  • Low height (around 35-50 cm);
  • Usually made of wood;
  • Comes together with the futon or blanket, called as Kotatsu-buton (掛布団), to contain the heat;
  • Has a heating element (usually electric) at the bottom surface of the table.

Here are some additional elements of Kotatsu:

  • Kotatsu Mat: Kotatsu mat or Kotatsu rugs are commonly used with a Kotatsu table. They are placed under the Kotatsu table in a way so that it covers the seating area surrounding the table.
  • Zabuton (座布団): a traditional Japanese-style cushion used for sitting on the floor. 
  • Zaisu (座椅子): a Japanese-style chair with back support similar to standard chairs but without legs. Zaisu might have one, two, or no armrests, depending on the design.

#3 As an alternative to heating mode of air conditioner

Kotatsu is often used in cold times of Japan, especially during winter. While you can set your air conditioner to the heating mode, this may cause air to become dry and hot, and the cost of electricity can quickly add up. Kotatsu is cost-efficient.

#4 Types of Kotatsu

Here are the types based on the shape:

  • Rectangular
  • Square
  • Round

The types based on the electric heater:

  • Halogen
  • Quartz
  • Flat Carbon

The types based on the unique feature: 

  • Oki-gotatsu (置き炬燵): the Kotatsu table is placed right on top of the floor surface. The type of heating element used in Oki-gotatsu is an electric heater usually attached to the lower surface of the kotatsu table. This is the most common one.
  • Foldable kotatsu: It’s quite portable, because you can fold it.

#5 Where to buy a kotatsu

You can buy a kotatsu table through these ways:

  • Electronic appliances megastores: Such as Yodobashi Camera, Yamada Denki, Bic Camera.
  • Home Centers: They are large stores with a wide range of products, including home furnishings, DIY tools and equipment, as well as kitchen and home appliances, etc. Such as NAFCO, Nitori, etc.
  • Online shopping sites: Such as Amazon Japan, Rakuten, and Yahoo shopping.

Have you seen a kotatsu directly before? Or have you experienced using it? Are you interested in having one? Tell us in the comment section!

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