How to get 20000 JPY(e-cash) from Japanese government

Up until the end of September in 2022, the Japanese government launches a special campaign for all who live in Japan. If you issue “My number card” in Japan, you can acquire 20000 JPY. We explain what is  “MainaCard”, the benefits of it, and how to apply for this special campaign in the video.


Step1. Issue of my-numbercard

My-number card is your Japanese ID card to smooth administration process like social security, health insurance, claim tax return and so on. You can issue this card by simple 5 steps after arriving at Japan.

  1. After arriving Japan, you gotta go to city office for registration
  2. You will receive notification card (temporary card) and application form for my number card
  3. Go to the below webpage for application : 

Input your personal info, my number which is written in the above notification card,email and upload your photo

     4. After my-number card is ready, you will receive email from city office

     5. You go to the city office to get your my-number card

Step2. Link your my-numbercard with multiple cashless service => 5000 JPY

You can link your my-number card infomation with multiple Japanese cashless service like Paypay, Rakuten-pay, and so on. You can do it via each cashless site.

Step3. Link your my-numbercard with health insurance & bank account => 15000 JPY

You can link via the following smartphone app.

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