Good Medicine In Japan

Many Japanese medicine packages are written in Japanese, but no info in English. So our video will provide foreigners with useful info about Japanese OTC medicine which can be purchased on Amazon.

For headache & fever (Pain killer)

1. Eve A tablet(SSP Co., Ltd)

-Not for child (less than 15 yo)

-Take 2 tablets for once


2. Eve Quick DX tablet (SSP Co., Ltd)

-Compared to Eve A, it works rapidly and gentle on the stomach

-Not for child (less than 15 yo)

-Take 2 tablets for once


3.Bufferin CII (Lion Co, Ltd)

-for child

-11 yo - 15 yo: 6 tablets

7 yo - 11 yo: 4 tablets

3 yo - 7 yo: 3 tablets


4.Cooling pad

Just put the above sheat on the forehead

For stomatache or gastronomical problem

1. New biofermin S pill

It works for a lot of gastronomical problems including diarrhea, constipation…


2. Gastar 10

After you ate or drank too much, just 1 tablet of gaster 10 can restore your stomach


For meditation toward itchiness like mosquito or some other bugs

1. Una cohwa cool

-Itch caused by mosquito


2.Muhi α EX

Strong itch from bedbag, tick, fleas, centipede, even from jellyfish


Hay fever

1. Allegion

-Not for child (less than 15 yo)

-Take 1 tablet per day


2. Claritin

-Not for child (less than 15 yo)

-Take 1 tablet per day

-weak effect and side effect

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