Best Video Game Franchises from Japan | All Time Popular

Japan always hits the worldwide market by storm with its game franchises. A lot of video game franchises from Japan have been getting worldwide popularity. Some of them you might not even know that they were from Japan. Here are some of the best video games franchises from Japan of all time!


#10 “Megaman” Franchise (1987 - Present)

Known as Rockman in Japan, is a Japanese science fiction video game franchise created by Capcom, starring a series of robot characters each known by the moniker "Mega Man". As per July 26, 2022, the series has sold 38 million units worldwide. This franchise also has some successful spin-offs.



#9 “Dragon Quest” Franchise (1986 - Present)

The grandfather of the JRPG genre, "Dragon Quest's" influence should not be understated, as there would not be any "Final Fantasy" without this legendary franchise. "Dragon Quest's" allure always pivoted on delivering an engaging but accessible experience that could be enjoyed by anyone. This franchise is hugely popular in Japan, but "Dragon Quest" failed to initially catch on in other regions, and it would take until the seventh and eighth entries for the JRPG to gain some traction in North America.



#8 “Monster Hunter” Franchise (2004 - Present)

As gamers defeat colossal monsters in order to craft better gear which is, in turn, required to hunt even bigger prey, "Monster Hunter" is the example of "story does not matter" and wastes little time in hunting. This Capcom's franchise has always sold itself on solid combat and an addictive gameplay loop. "Monster Hunter: World" stands as Capcom's best-selling game to date.



#7 “Megami Tensei” Franchise (1987 - Present)

A turn-based JRPG that frequently opts for an urban rather than a fantastical setting, "Megami Tensei" debuted on the Famicom in the late '80s, although the IP hit its peak during the PlayStation 2 era. Even though the still ongoing main series is brilliant and well-worth checking out, Atlus' most renowned franchise may be "Persona," a "Megami Tensei" spin-off.



#6 “Street Fighter” Franchise (1987 - Present)

Revolutionizing the one-on-one fighting genre, "Street Fighter II" blew people's minds by actually introducing different playable characters, allowing for a ton of replayability. Over the years, Capcom has refined the formula and added cool little gimmicks. When it comes to fighting games, "Street Fighter" will always be the one to beat.



#5 “Resident Evil” Franchise (1996 - Present)

Capcom's "Biohazard" has been the gold product of the industry since the mid-90s. Created by Shinji Mikami and Tokuro Fujiwara, "Resident Evil's" blend of puzzle-solving, action, and horror instantly captured the attention of gamers everywhere. The franchise has been growing into one of Capcom's best-selling IPs.



#4 “The Legend of Zelda” Franchise (1986 - Present)

Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka established the pillars of modern gaming, and nearly every 3D title in existence owes something to one of the duo's many franchises. Putting aside a handful of spin-offs, "Ocarina of Time" being the highest rated game of all time on Metacritic. Packing dungeons with puzzles, engaging combat, and quirky characters; "The Legend of Zelda" offers something for everyone.



#3 “Final Fantasy” Franchise (1987 - Present)

Square Enix's "Final Fantasy" introduced many Western players to JRPGs. With the move to 3D, "Final Fantasy VII" revamped the series in a big way and deserves quite a bit of credit for the PlayStation's commercial dominance over the Nintendo 64. "Final Fantasy" always experiment with unique mechanics in order to push JRPGs forward.


#2 “Pokémon” Franchise (1996 - Present)

Even without mentioning the neverending anime or Pikachu's staggering popularity, "Pokémon" creates a resounding success that continues to go strong until this very day. Even though innovation was never the franchise's strong suit, "Pokémon's" core gameplay contains just enough depth to warrant multiple revisits.



#1 “Mario” Franchise (1996 - Present)

Debuting in "Donkey Kong" before earning his own series in the groundbreaking "Super Mario Bros.," as gaming's indisputable mascot, Mario's reach extends far beyond the medium, and Nintendo's IP is comfortably the highest-grossing franchise of all time. From 2D side-scrolling to 3D sandbox gameplay. Mario's mere name is enough to sell a project.



Have you played them all? Which one is your most favorite franchise or title? Why do you like them? Mention in the comment section!

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