Japan Life Hack

Welcome to Japan Life hack in Mashup R. We post useful videos for foreigners in Japan.

Benefits From Our Videos

Save Money in Japan

Some video offer you how to save money in Japan

Troubleshooting in Japan

Our contents are useful for foreigners who cannot speak Japanese but live in Japan

Short time content

Our video lasts only 2-3mins. Easy to watch and full of tips

Our contents

Hokkaido in Winter: A Wonderland of Powder, Ice, and Onsen Bliss

Dec 26, 2023 Mash Up

Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island, transforms into a magical winter wonderland when the mercury dips below freezing.

Surprisingly Unique Christmas Traditions in Japan

Dec 25, 2023 Mash Up

While Christmas traditions around the world tend to revolve around nativity scenes, carols, and gift-giving, Japan offers a refreshingly unique take on the festive season. From the ubiquitous Christmas cake to the surprising popularity of KFC, here's a glimpse into some of the most interesting Japanese Christmas traditions:

Best Skin Care Product for Winter in Japan

Feb 12, 2023 Yusuke Kaga

Winter can be tough for your skin, including in Japan. But don’t worry. Now we’ll give you recommendations of some best skin care products in Japan that can treat your skin well in the winter environment!

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